11. Every Stall of 9 Square meter will have 2 Complementary invites plus lunch coupons for two days and multiples there of
IIAB 2025 Stall Booking Prices
*GST Extra
#If Invoice Raised in USD, GST Not Applicable
IIAB-Expo Enquiry Form
For Stall Booking and Enquiries:
1. Download the application form and email the filled application form request to Name: Ms Swapna Sharma, [email protected] For details you may call / WhatsApp / We chat to the Contact Number: +917893977182
2. On receipt of the duly completed application, we shall get back to you with the available stall location and number.
3. Once you have confirmed the stall numb er and location, we will send you the contract
4. Please sign and stamp the contract and send it back within 5 work days from receiving it from the organizer, to validate your booking. Stall payment should be made along with the contract for confirmed booking.
5. Stall booking without payment is invalid and the stall will be released to the next exhibitor.